House L

Wassenaar, NL

Type: Architecture

Commissoned by: Delft University of Technology

Year: 2015

Area: ~ 115 m2

The project is designed as a shared vacation home for a brother and sister in a hilly area near Wassenaar. Surrounded by a beautiful landscape and an overwhelming stillness, the project seeks to embrace the site and allow its occupants to feel like they live in the woods. This resulted in a two storey building that follows the slope of the site and respectively 

host the living and sleeping quarters. The shared living is a transparent volume that enables the surroundings to overwhelm its inhabitants with beaty. The translucent drapes create a stunning effect when sunlight reaches through branches and leaves of nearby trees, casting gentle shadows in the interior and providing means for privacy 

at night. The solid and earthly materialised ground floor embraces the private domestics, creating a protective environment to sleep, whilst waking up to the brilliant views.

Copyright 2021 - Owen Elverding